Once upon a time there lived a young man who loved his Father very much.
When the young man was diagnosed with cancer he did not ask his Father, "Why me?"
Instead, he asked his Father to "Pretty please (with sugar on top)" accompany him on the dark and scary journey that lay ahead.
And it came to pass that a very loving Heavenly Father heard the pleas of his son and granted his request.
From that very moment the tender mercies of the Lord began to pour forth upon the young cancer patient to the comfort of his soul and the blessing of he and his family.
In due course, four angelic emissaries from Cancerland emerged in his path. Their names were Carole of London, Fiona of Bollington, Angela of Kent, and Tony of Matlock.
The strength and support, the example and encouragement, the love and laughter of these four friends proved most effective in vanquishing the vicissitudes of cancer.
This is but one example of the team effort needed to fight cancer. Truly the young man was blessed in his journey.
Ever after he remembered with fondness these four fighting cancer warriors and the unbounded love of a Heavenly Father for each of His children.
May we all live happily ever after to the end of our days in the arms of our Father's love.
The End
“The Lord's tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ.” ~David A. Bednar